The 21st century began in 2001, the year that represents much to the world... At first, it was the end of a confused age, an age started with the power of the coal and ended with the uranium. In the middle of this age, many things happened, wars, rock's revolution, michael jackson was born, iron lady destroyed USSR, but one thing was fundamental for everyone... a web that would connect everyone around the world in about 20 years... Called with the name of internet, nowadays it's just a thing that no one wanna be apart and everyone wants to be inside, and it's about internet that I want to talk.
In the beginning of the games, it was just to give the kids something funnier than the old peon, at this time every kid needed to have a console, and put that on tv to play a little game like tetris or pitfall, but was the world in that time... Nowadays it isn't the world anymore, in the end of 20th century a fever that I've explained above, the internet, introduced a new way to play games.
Internet games nowadays is the most liked kind of playing games... And, there is many types of internet games, MMORPG (massive multiplayer online role playing game), 1st person combats, strategy in real time and many others, but these are the most known...
In my opinion, it's a good way to have fun in the net nowadays, 'cause you have the chance of playing with everyone in the world, you can play with your friends without getting out of your comfortable chair, and in the same time you're enjoying a good game in the net. It's confirmed by specialistic, that who play games online acts more friendly with the neighbors.
But if you wanna play games online, below there is some games that I recommend, and if you want, I can talk more about them in other topics, just comment asking for the game that you're interested.
World of Warcraft
Warcraft Online
Gta San Andreas Online
Grand Chase
Counter Strike
These are the most played games online nowadays, so, choose your genre and enjoy it all night long...
Posted By Games' Place