BBC - Weather Centre - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Thank you Mom

What's up everybody?

I'm here again to show you a song from Good Charlotte called Thank you Mom. This song describes how the twins(Joel and Benji Madden) feel about their mother. Their father left them when the twins were 15 and then their mother, Mrs. Robbin Madden, started being mother and father at the same time. They were a single parent family but they were very happy together, like the song shows us up! If you wanna know, Joel and Benji has a sister(Sarah) and a brother(Josh).

So, that's a tribute for single moms! Hope you enjoy it!


Saturday, April 25, 2009

New Friend

Instead of having fishes, now we have a little and funny hamster... take care of it...

Mother's Day

Hello everybody!
I was thinking about Mother's Day and I had an ideia! We could post, here in the blog, some songs, movies, reports even games wich remind us of our moms.
Let's do this tribute for our moms! And if you wanna put something about your grandmothers, that's ok because they're our second mothers!
What do you think about this ideia?

I'll start with some poems just to illustrate!


Grandmothers are mothers who are grand,
Restoring the sense that our most precious things
Are those that do not change much over time.
No love of childhood is more sublime,
Demanding little, giving much on demand,
More inclined than most to grant the wings
On which we fly off to enchanted lands.
Though grandmothers must sometimes serve as mothers,
Helping out, or maybe taking over,
Each has all the patience wisdom brings,
Remembering our passions more than others,
Singing childish songs we long remember.


She was there at the beginning
When the world was new to you -
She was there to turn to happy times
Those when, you were hurt or blue.

She was there to listen to your thoughts
And when you asked, to give advice -
She was there to tell you, "Those don't match!"
Or, "Hon, you sure look nice."

She was there with you at nighttime
To help you say your prayers _
She was there to tell you, "It's alright."
When you had a dream that scares.

She was there at morning time
To get you up and out of bed -
She was there when you didn't feel good (or did)
To say, "You'd best stay home, instead."

She was there when you were hungry
And when you had those dirty clothes -
She was there when you needed her
(How she knew? Only heaven knows.)

She was there at the beginning
And she'll be there your whole life through -
She'll be there in your mind and heart
Just like a mother is supposed to do.

See you soon guys!


Thursday, April 23, 2009

New template!

Hi everyone!!!!
I'm here, still alive!!! lolololol

Wee, as you can see, our friend Camila tried to change the template of the site, I think it was cool but a bit too dark, let's try to make it a lighter color but keeping the stuff on the side of the page, it's cool!!!

Now, concerning her a post about deleting everything, chill out, all the posts are still here, but organized in a different way, if you check the side bar , the list of posts is still there, by clicking on them you can see your posts.



Missing all of you a lot, thanks for the messages I got while I was ill, I'm much better now and will be back on Friday!
Hope to see all of you there!!!!

a bunch of kisses for you!!!

Kátia Ruivo


Hey everybody!

I was looking for new layouts for our blog and as you can notice I found it. I was doing a kind of test with this layout just to know if it would work, but unfortunately I erased all the other things that you guys posted here. I'm so sorry! It wasn't my intention! Oh! I got this layout from this site:! Hope you're not too angry with me! See you soon! And, one last time, I'm sorry!


Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Money for Nothing?

Nowadays, if anyone want to study in a university, he/she have to pass on "vestibular", every university on Brazil uses this method, but we've too a test called "enem", used by the government to avail the level of the courses in the universities, and in some private university, used for giving sales for the students on the course's price. But our governor are discussing to change a little this method, they want to put the test called "enem" with more questions and put it to be in place of "vestibular" for all federal universities around the country.

It can be a good change, 'cause many people that have made this test, says that it's hardless than vestibular, and it's tireless than too. It's better for we, students, to make a test that really avail us, instead of making such a stupid test like vestibular, that obligates you to learn many things about everything, and things that you'll never use in your life as is used on vestibular. I don't think that is bad to learn these things but isn't good for you to memorize everything just to pass in a test, you have to put these information in your life, using when you need.

Another thing is, if you pass down vestibular, you're not smarter than the other ones that haven't passed, you've just memorized more things and were less nervous than the other one, because, all things on vestibular is just about logical, linguistic and math intelligences...Nowadays we've listed by writters and searchers, seven kinds of intelligences, and you can't be called dum just if you don't be good in three...

People can say that vestibular is a good thing because it define who studied more on high school, and now it's more prepareted for doing this, but it's not true, if you pass on vestibular, you're just someone who memorized more things than the other ones, you're not better than they...

Would be better if the government thought more about this method of availing students, 'cause this method is just good for people that have studied on great schools, almost the rich population, and the poor, who doesn't have the chance to have a good education, would not have chance to challenge with who have had...

There is, editorial by Games' Place

Saturday, April 11, 2009

I want it too!

I want to post my top 10 too!! I'm used to hear brazilian songs, so there will be a lot of them. It's my Top10 on

1.3 Doors Down – Here Without You
2.30 Seconds to Mars – The Kill
3.Mallu Magalhães – J1
4.Los Hermanos – Último Romance
5.Don McLean – American Pie
6.Dexys Midnight Runners – Plan B
7.O Teatro Mágico – A pedra mais alta
8.3 Doors Down – Let Me Go
9.Dexys Midnight Runners – Manhood
10.Teddy Geiger – For You I Will (Confidence)

Oh, yes, it's kinda strange playlist @_@

By Ricardo ;D

Friday, April 10, 2009

"I wanna rock!"

I'm Lucas Bittencourt, from the Games' Place, but I want to make more, I don't wanna just post things about games, and everione is posting things about music and their top 10 hits. And I've seen their top 10, and I wanna post my top 10 hits, I hope you like it, but my playlist isn't so new, I like to hear so many old musics...Hope you like it

1. Bump of Chicken - Karma
2. Summer Moved On - A-ha
3. Smooth Criminal - Michael Jackson
4. If I Can't Have You - Bee Gees
5. Postcards From Heaven - Lighthouse Family
6. The Warrior - Scandal
7. Talk Shows on Mute - Incubus
8. Luz Negra - Cazuza
9. Kids in America - Kim Wilde
10. Check Yo Self - Ice Cube

That's it...

Wednesday, April 08, 2009

New Gadget

I put that gadget there for help everione, about the weather on Rio de Janeiro... Generally speaking, BBC is considerated the most important news site around the world... Principally because, it's the site that is less controled by politicians... But I trust so much in his weather information. So If everione want to know the weather, come and watch our blog! Thanks for the attention... Just another post by Games' Place

Sunday, April 05, 2009

Try or Cry II

New problem!

It's your grandma birth day, and you want to give her a tasty and creamy cake as her present, but she lives so far of your house. To go to her house, you've to walk for a road, and cross 7 bridges, but under each bridge, there is a troll, and to pass for the bridge you've to give half of your cakes. But isn't so bad, the troll are gentle, even when you give a half of your cakes, the troll give you one cake back, what a kind troll, isn't it?...whatever, how many cakes do you have to carry, to arrive at your grandma's house with exactly 2 cakes?

Asnwer on Friday!

There is another post by Games' Place

Saturday, April 04, 2009

Mac x PC

Well, someday I'll have a mac, so let's watch this wonderful video about fifteen conversations between mac and pc...

Posted by Games' Place

Thursday, April 02, 2009

Hi friends =D

I'm here to talk about movies,so let's start ;)

On friday usually have new movies in the cinema,and this friday couldn't be different!

Do you like action? If your answer was ''yes'' , it's a good idea to watch THE FAST AND THE FURIOUS 4 . Vin Diesel,Paul Walker,Michelle Rodrigues and Jordana Brewster are together again across Los Angeles streets.The debut will be this friday (3).

At the moment I don't have many things to post but I will try to bring news about films frequently.
That's all

ps: go to the cinema it's a good program to the weekend rsrs

by Karina

Culture Time

Instead of talking about games, Games' Place is here to give to this blog some culture about our city, São Gonçalo. We live in a city, that isn't the most beautiful or even the safest city, but it has much history, and it's good to everione that live there or even admire this city to know. Our city in the past, had the nickname of Manchester Fluminense, because our city has many industries in its territory, and when Sao Gonçalo had this nickname, nobody that were living here was unemployed. The city started as a hamlet, was settled in the place where nowadays we have Zé Garoto square, by a man that received the control of this place, and he wanted to built a church of the saint of his most devotion, São Gonçalo D'Amarante. This church was on place where nowadays we've the Matriz's church, on Zé Garoto neighborhood. In the escucheon of São Gonçalo above, we've some informations about the age when our city was recognized as a city, 1890, we've an image os the coffee tree and the sugar cane tree, things that were planted on Rio de Janeiro at this age, and in the middle the industries that since the beggining was the sign of our city, with a gear, representing the labour.But yesterday, at night I was surfing in the net, and I found many pics from our city, and I want to expose them to you, I think there are so interesting pictures of our city.

Hamlet of São Gonçalo - About 1900

Entrance of São Gonçalo - 1920

Raul Veiga Road - 1920

Matriz Church - 1920

Neves' Cinema - 1930

Paraíso's Cinema - 1930

Várzea das Moças - 1930

Feliciano Sodré Street - 1950

Brasilândia - 1952

Lira's Square, Neves - 1960

Inauguration of the Fountain on Zé Garoto Square - 1961

Luiz Palmier Square, Centro - 1970

Zé Garoto Square - 1975

Downtown - 1978

Colubandê Site - 1979

Downtown - 1999

Vila Lage Square - Without Year

That was another post by Lucas Bittencourt from Games' Place.